Biker's paradise in the Harz mountains around

Count the bends!

We've set up some cool ride-outs for you.

Just driving ...

Tour 1

roughly sketched itinerary: in Kamschlacken - Clausthal-Zellerfeld - Wildemann - Lautenthal - Hahnenklee - Clausthal-Zellerfeld - stopover at the Oker-dam - Oker - Bad Harzburg - Torfhaus - Braunlage - Hohegeiß - stopover in Netzkater - Hasselfelde - Trautenstein - Tanne - Braunlage - Sonnenberg - back in in Kamschlacken


This route is about 160 km long.

overview map:

Streckenverlauf (gesperrte Okerseebrücke)

Tour 2

roughly sketched itinerary: in Kamschlacken - Clausthal-Zellerfeld - Wildemann - Lautenthal - Hahnenklee - Clausthal-Zellerfeld - stopover at the Oker-dam - Oker - Bad Harzburg - Torfhaus - Braunlage - Elend - Elbingerode - Rübeland - Rappbodetalsperre ("Tunnel of the Maniacs") - Blankenburg - Heimburg - Benzingerode - Wernigerode - Elend - Braunlage - Sonnenberg - back in in Kamschlacken


This route is about 170 km long.

Overview map:

Streckenverlauf (gesperrte Okerseebrücke)

more tours?

Yes of course there are more tours. You can have them explained personally.

GPS data of the tours are in preparation.